A 3D platformer in which the player will navigate and explore city landscapes in order to deliver pizza to their destination. Each level has its own theme as well as their own gameplay elements. From puzzles to hidden collectibles, each level has something unique and different to offer from each other.
This was a small team project done in 15 weeks. Here each person in the team was able to help with their specific tasks and also get to dive into unknown territory as it was using the Unreal 4 Engine, which few members did not have any experience in.

-- Level Design --
Speed Course
This level was supposed to be a tutorial level, but due to various improvements to the Tutorial Level in the game, which comes before this section, this level was turned into a speed course since there was a timer made to track how fast a player finished a level.
The Design of this layout was orginally intened to be a second part of a tutorial, but after some time and talking with the other developers on the team, the decision to make this level different was made.
Instead of making this feel like a tutorial, this level was transformed into a speed course. This was to help players get used to the grapple mechanic of the game as other levels are timed as well as are larger in scale. The Speed Course is there to help the players train with the grapple gun without worrying about losing progress.
There is no penalty for failing at any section of the level. However, there is an incentive to keep training in this level. The level records the player's best completed time. The player may start off rough and get a horrible time, but as the player gets better and better, they will slowly start to lower the time it takes to complete the level and they will finish with a better time.
This level was intentionally made by starting indoors and going outdoors. Here the player will start to leave the safety of the walls of a building inside and will need get to explore landscapes where there is no walls and open spaces.
Delivery 2 - Chicago
Here the players start to witness and explore larger city landscapes. With multiple routes that connect with each other in different sections, this level was made in order to make the player explore around the level before they deliver the pizza to the Willis Tower.